Sunday, August 30, 2009

A return to the old days

Many a youth in society have heard politicians used to be good even human the last time I believe that was the case was in the case of the Kennedy's and the Roosevelt's. Both were class traitors and fought the republicans toe the toe unafraid of being called a liberal a word synonymous in the satanic capitalistic dictionary as a evil person who should be destroyed for helping others.

Many a peon has fallen for right wing bullshit because they all are living a good life up Reagan's ass it looks like a new nightclub where everyone who has money and a life wants to be. What they didn't realize when their head was up Reagan's rectum was that the public programs he cut build and maintain the roads and bridges. And who do they swear at the underfunded liberal buerocracy that had the gall to un Americanly help others out in the New Deal through acts that could only be made by a true human being or in their sick minds a crazy commie who wants to socialize their every step.

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